8 Instant Action Tonic Injections for You!

Are you one of those who would say no to some stress reduction techniques? So here are some suggestions for a better mood and a happier life.

The fast pace of modern life is inevitably causing us stress, so taking care of our mental and physical health should be our priority.

The following suggestions will boost your mood and help you deal with stressful situations more effectively:

Breath-in - Breath-out! - Diaphragmatic Breathing: Practice deep breathing: inhaling through the nose, "draw" the breath into your abdomen, and then exhale through the mouth. When on foot all day or in the office, 5-10 deep diaphragmatic breaths will help you take a refreshing break and relax.

Take a break with stretches... you need it! - Break for stretching. At your break, instead of coffee, stretch! With a few simple movements during the day you can relax your spirit and relieve muscle tension. You can do simple head rotations and arm extensions from the comfort of your office, home or anywhere!

Organize because otherwise… you got lost - Organize wherever you are. To boost your mood, you first need to reduce your stress levels. Wherever you are, so take some time to get organized. Spending a few minutes a day to calm things down in your classroom can see your overall mood improve dramatically.

Coordinate Mind and Body - Do Coordination Exercises. "Healthy mind in a healthy body". Performing exercises that work the upper and lower body at the same time, such as a combination of projections and weight lifting, speeds up your workout and boosts your brain function! At your next workout try some exercises that improve your coordination.

Smile - Smile more often! Our body produces endorphins in various situations, such as when we get excited! Laughter has been found to increase endorphin production (Manninen et al., 2017) [i]. The more you smile at others every day, the better your mood - while also training your facial muscles! Your smile can also improve the mood of others, as they are more likely to pay you back!

Hunt your Walk! - Take a walk for a quick walk. Do you find it hard to believe that two minutes of walking can improve your mood or your health? And yet! Walking fast, even for a few minutes, does a great job. Even if your time is limited, take a few minutes for a quick stroll. And just changing out shows is enough to reduce your stress, but if you manage to devote at least 30 minutes to walking throughout your day, the better.

Treat your skin. Skin care products can have a positive effect on your appearance. When you spend a little more time on your appearance, your confidence also increases. Allow yourself a 2-minute facial scrub with your favorite scrub and moisturizer. A facial massage with your favorite products is easy and extremely beneficial!

Gym Does Good - Take a break for a quick workout. A quick workout during your busy daily schedule will boost your energy, releasing endorphins into your circulation. Try the following simple program:

  • Extensions and hand lifts (30 seconds)
  • Deep Seats (30 seconds)
  • Bends (30 seconds)
  • Abdominals (30 seconds)

Get started today with instant-action tonic injections and you'll see quick results that will make your smile brighter and your mood more joyful! Are you ready; Let's go!